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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-01-19 19:21:15
Re:HS200 switch random on-off
@Sreyw Hi. I am having this same issue with my HS200 and HS210. Did you ever get it resolved?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-01-19 19:19:57
Re:HS200 & HS210 switches flash on then off.
@GrossEman I'm having the same exact issue. for me it's happening with HS200 and HS210 switches. It started with just the HS210 for a month (turning ON randomly then right back OFF a few times a...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2021-01-19 19:15:29
3 month old kasa hs200 worked fine, now suddenly blinking on and off
i have a fairly new KASA HS200 switch installed 3 months ago. today it suddenly started turning off and back on at random times, but quite frequently (every 3-5 minutes or so) this was already...