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Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2023-06-16 00:48:44
Person Detected Sensitvity
I appreciate the person detected feature but a lot of times I will get a false positive of a person detected when in fact there is no person present. A lot of the times this person detected is...
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2023-06-16 00:33:12
Re:Spotlight Function
@Riley_S Oh that is great to hear. Thank you for updating me. Is there a way to request such features formally through this community? I would also be happy to participate more extensively if...
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2023-06-07 04:38:05
Re:Spotlight Function
@Riley_S thank you for the reply. I understand how this feature works but it is not quite what I desire. it would be nice to create a smart action around motion sensing as the input and spotlight as...
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2023-06-06 05:00:52
Spotlight Function
I am aware of the spotlight button that turns on the spotlight manually. Is there a way to automate the spotlight to turn on when it detects motion? I would like to be able to create a smart action...