Change wifi channel on Deco M9

Change wifi channel on Deco M9

411 Reply
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-11 10:00:44



incoming "wE'lL sENd ThIS To R&d"

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-13 08:31:05

@Kevin_Z No they aren't changing Deco has a good concept. I have a good wifi cover But I have too much packet loose when I'm pinging google 

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9 -Solution
2020-09-21 10:08:57 - last edited 2022-09-22 10:06:31

Hello all, 

We have already noted all of your requests about choosing the wireless channels manually on the Deco system and they have been forwarded to the developers.


I will try to explain why we don't give the Deco administrator the permission to manually choose a channel on the current Deco system, which may not precise but I will try my best:


Firstly, we need to clarify that the wireless channels on the current Deco firmware are not manually configurable as Deco automatically selects a 2.4GHz channel to use based on what it sees around it, selecting the channel that has the least interference. The 5GHz channel appears to be configured based on the region the device was manufactured for use in and they are apparently not auto-selected and are definitely not manually configurable.


Secondly, we need to reiterate what is the point of having a whole mesh Wi-Fi system in your network. The whole point of mesh networks is to give a seamless, unfettered, and performant experience for wireless networking, and thus a mesh network is "self-configuring" and "self-healing", the network automatically incorporates a new node into the existing structure without needing any adjustments manually by a network administrator and it automatically finds the fastest and most reliable paths to send data. If you change the wireless channel on the Deco nodes manually, it may give you the risk of losing the other Deco nodes and thus ruin your Deco system, you may need to start over again to reconfigure them.


What's more, it is not always easy to choose a clear wireless channel in your networks, you may need to test with all of them in order to find one that may be usable. Most importantly, crowded isn’t the same as busy, even though some channel scanning apps tell you one specific channel is busy, they don’t always measure other sources of congestion and interference. Non-Wi-Fi signals (like those from microwaves, Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, garage door openers, baby monitors, etc.) can all congest a channel but may not show up in a scan. So it’s possible that a channel can appear empty, while it is, in fact, saturated with other kinds of interference. 


Last but not least, other mesh systems such as Google Wi-Fi mesh (update here that Netgear Orbi is not the same mesh as Deco, Orbi is more like a router + an RE, so if we misunderstood it previously, we are sorry for that), don't allow users to change the channel manually either, which means when developing a mesh system, our developers have already taken all factors into serious consideration and choose the current one, the current Deco mesh system may not be perfect or even good, but we don't think it's just that awful or nonusable as some of you thought. If we need or we must do this change to allow you to change the channel, it will require a lot of research in the market and it is not that easy just like you said "just open the option", I think most users like you guys should understand it.


Hopefully, that answers your question but let us know if you need more details.

Recommended Solution
Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-21 13:14:22 - last edited 2020-09-21 13:19:43



Who in his right mind selected this post as "Best solution". It wouldn't surprise me if that was TP-Link_Deco themselfes.


This post is a total disrespect to your usersbase and even contains multiple lies.


1: The Deco's (atleast my Deco AX1300) do NOT select a least interfering channel on startup. Actually it really chooses a random channel, I know because this last weekend was a hell weekend wifi wise. I have rebooted my Deco's at least (and this is NOT a lie!) 14 times, half of the times because the Deco did NOT select the least interfering channel which I happen to know is channel 4+8.


2: The Deco's at 5 Ghz are NOT configured according to region. My Deco's have NEVER selected any 5Ghz channel other then 36 or 48, EVER! While in the Netherlands every channel from 36 through 140 is available! Check:


3: Why would a MESH system not work when a manual channel selection is available? Mind to explain in (technical) detail? No? That's because it's B*LLSH*T! Which brings me to your next lie


4: Yes! Many other brands have MESH systems AND support manual channel selection. Why throw sand in our eyes with these stupid lies? Everyone here has internet and have the ability to see for themselfs. In the Netgear Orbi manual you are lying about, it's actually in the online user manual under "Specify basic WiFi settings" on page 78! There it says "6. To change the WiFi channel, select a number in the Channel list.". Check:


5: You don't think it's awfull that my two kids, and most importantly, my wife how gave me the thumbs up to invest $400 in this system keep complaining that they have full wifi signal but every thing they do keep ending in page not found? Youtube and netflix videos suddenly stopping. That's not awful to you? Seriously?


Let those people you regards as DUMB FOOLS decide for themself if a channel works or not. Most people manually selecting channel are people which are quite a bit smarter the you portrait them to be! They do not select the channel based on whether or not they are free but often test every channel seperately to find the best channel.


From now on I will hunt down every website that sells these units and I will post a link to this thread in their reviews section. Just to warn people about this and your additude towards your userbase and potential customers.

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-21 13:25:47

@IanPH Yeah, this is a crock -- I guess he thinks only idiots would buy Deco products. Nothing like insulting your customers! Luckily, I returned my Decos months ago. I was still subscribed to this topic because I was curious if TP-Link would come through for its customers, but since it's clear they will not it's finally time to unsubscribe. Good luck to all of you.

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-22 13:52:11

@TP-Link_Deco "Accepted solution" by whom? It looks like 176 replies signifies dissent in the community. There are plenty of WiFi Apps for PCs out there that show a 'spectrum analyser' type display for channel and signal strength.

It looks like functionality on this mesh system is being significantly curtailed in favour of simplicity for users.

Like others, I shall await new firmware releases anxiously.

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-22 14:30:48

I would not need to select the 5GHz frequency if it chose a good one.  The 2.4 channel finds the best slot and a I am happy with it.  Whereas 5 selects the same frequency as the whole neighbourhood.  So tons of contention and very poor performance.


I need to add 2 more decos.  Unless there is an update soon, I will sell this off and buy an Orbi system which seems to work much better.


TPLink are losing their reputation and market share due to simple things.  Shame.

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-22 17:57:42

@Saurabh_S Why do you need to turn off the WPS, when there is no WPS button on the Deco Router, it is totally controlled by the deco app. Out of curiosity I just want to know the purpose

Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-24 20:41:17


I have the same problem, the deco m9 plus choose the channel already taken or actually the "standard" first channel that almost all brand is using as basic setting. I even updated the firmware to the latest, no change in working order.


I bought some time ago this tri-pack package of deco m9 plus thinking that it would be one of the best in the market. The specs on papers and internet seems to be very well, but but... real life matters! If I would have known this, I would have gone with an other brand for sure!! I have not been able to use them... data transmission is so poor because of wrong wifi channel that my 10 year old AP is even better choice!!! Even thous the connected ecuipment shows good connection status..

I'm really surprised and not satisfied at all! How is it possible that TP-Link deco M9 plus don't have this base function available to set wifi channel selection??? For sure I understand that all mesh points shall have the same settings, but what I understand they sync that info over the ethernet backhaul, don't they, if the setting is set in the main unit?


I've been working with Ethernet and wifi products for over 20 years today as a part of my profession. This base function to manually select the wifi channel shall be found along the automatic feature. What some ever how highly developed the automatic feature might be, there are always situations when manually locking wifi channel is the best option. Btw, why constantly spend resources from wifi AP processor core to check what channel is "best", when that recourses could be used to process data transmission instead at a higher rate? Why not have the spectrum analyzer function available with graphic live feed to temporarily manually start in app to help user choose best wifi channels for wifi network when setting up the decos? Now I use free third-party software on my computer that works excellent when I need and want to check environment.

I have still not seen a single wifi AP point able to make a good decision automatically regarding wifi channels! AND the least you want is a system that might automatically change wifi channel and therefore loose connection to the other equipment. I personally don't want a wifi environment where the wifi channels is all time jumping around based on some pre-set algorithm I can't change.. This is very important! especially if there are some older products that shall use the wifi and they only accept certain settings to work on. Such devices is found a lot of still in usage!! Even new IoT products seems to be very sensitive to wifi settings and don't like channel changes (read; I'm not interested to every second week re-configure IoT products because the wifi router has changed its "mind" regarding wifi channel). It should even be able to manually select different channels for main wifi and guest wifi. Why? because many times guest wifi at home is used for IoT products to keep the wifi network security on a high level since in the guest wifi every client should be isolated and only granted strict internet access. And that mostly the only what IoT products need to work. Many IoT wifi modules also only accept narrower wifi channels and bandwidths.


So update and to do work list to TP-Link R&D and software department to start working on ASAP regarding deco m9 plus and probably other deco products also:


- Wifi channel manual selection for main wifi including all wifi channels world wide (country selection option included as a setting in wifi options)

- Wifi channel manual selection for guest wifi (shall be able to be the same or different than main wifi)

- Get all other basic AP functions in the app and also in web interface (why not different views for "beginners" and "pro" users?)

- Make the deco AP:s configurable without any account!!!! (Why the heck this is even needed at all??? I don't see a single reason other than TP-link to be able to sniff network transmission data, settings and so on to sell further somewhere... Account is not needed for AP settings, local AP username and password is enough, even more secure for long time end users!)

- Update the web interface to use TLS 1.2 since new web browsers won't accept old versions later on because of security issues.

- Developement of the web interface so that it has changeable settings including an advance settings options for power-pro users

(btw, why are the small enterprise options left out of the router? These deco products could work excellent for small business companies if there was all basic functions and settings available...)

- Add wall and ceiling mounting option in deco body as a mounting rack or more likely totally integrated in body

- Add POE support for cleaner install on wall/Ceiling (and cable connections behind in the bottom of product -> Nowdays way to do sleek and stylish install in homes!!!

- Make ZigBee and Bluetooth actually usable for experienced users through third-part software and products to control IoT equipments and products at home


As I said earlier, everything sees good on marketing papers, but not in real life. A little to much is left on the development table still undone... Please do these updates to next firmware update to us deco users! WE thought, expected and already paid for a good working product when bought yours in this price class!! Just FIX IT NOW!!


Best regards,


Re:Change wifi channel on Deco M9
2020-09-25 05:42:46



Isn't it funny how an iOS14 update that causes Apple devices to suddenly see TP-link devices as insecure does make a fast feature release and even a beta firmware possible?


【Deco Beta Firmware】Change wireless security type on your Deco system


Suddenly the Deco's get the ability to MANUALLY(!) change the wireless security level.


This is added because of a problem that arose only a few weeks ago (instead of the channel problem which has been here for almost 2 years now).


Apparently no rigorous, years long testing by the developers is needed when Apple problems are involved.




Feature Request
Channel and channel width
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