Help with 2.4ghz Connection
Ok Got a Tp Link RE650 WIFI extender just for the one room
So, went thought the set up and extended the 5G and 2.4G so showing as 2.4g_EXT and 5g_EXT. I can connect to the 5g ext. no problem. I use Android phone & Laptop for WIFI and PC is hardwired However when I try to connect to the 2.4g on the phone I have to insert the password again, even though saved? So, insert password and keep getting Obtaining If Address and I cannot connect
So, I change the IP settings to Static and then change the last 3 digits of the IP address to 255 & 254 but leave the gateway IP address as is. Then I can connect to the 2.4G ext. but it is saying Connected. No internet
I have the Virgin modem router bridged and using TP Archer and have not done the turn off and on routine. Also don’t know the login password for the Archer so don’t want to do a reset.
My 4 wifi networks showing and 7 others showing also. Got scanner from playstore but not sure what i am looking for? Can see 12 devices and some
I recognise ie TP Link,Philips Lighting, nvidia but also showing Amazon,Samsung and Giga Byte not sure of with different IP addresses?
I can connect to the regular 2.4g just not the ext
So just looking on any suggestions on how to fix the connection issues to the 2.4g EXT on WIFI and is there a streamless flow. So whatever signal is the strongest it will connect to this?