Deco PX50 vs WPA9610
I currently have a wifi 5 router and have extended the wifi using a PA-9020 and 3 off WPA-9610 adapters.
I live in and old coah house with very thick stone walls so powerline is the only way I have been to get network coverage.
I PA-9020 plugs into my router and also have an ethernet cable from the router to one of the wpa-9610 adapters.
tpPlc utility shows powerline speeds between the PA-9020 and the WPA-9610 adapters of 1225mbs , 500mbs (also connect via ethernet to router) and 150mbs
tpPlc also shows speeds of 500mbs and 300mbs between the WPA-9610 adapters over powerline.
I currently have router speed of 80mbs and can acheive 75mbs download over wifi from all of the WPA9610 adapters.
I am considering upgrading to 500mbs FTTP broadband and wifi 6 router.
I am also consdiering the Deco PX50 as an upgrade to the powerline adapters
I would proably keep the wifi 6 router operational and use the Deco PX50 (3 pack) in access point mode to replace the WPA-9610 aadapters.
Since the current WPA-9610 adapters are rated at 2000 mbs over powerline,
Will the Deco PX50 be and better since these are only rated at 1500mbs over powerline
I could cable 2 of the DECO units back to the router but the third would be very difficult.
How can I get the 500mbs to each of the Deco PX50 units.?
Any opinions or advice greatly appreciated.