Archer NX600 Carrier Aggregation?

Archer NX600 Carrier Aggregation?

Archer NX600 Carrier Aggregation?
Archer NX600 Carrier Aggregation?
Model: Archer NX600  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

The crux of the question is: Does the Archer NX600 have Carrier Aggregation?


And for someone in an area with bad reception, would the NX200 and the NX600 perform the same to improve signal from 4G LTE towers and 5G? Or does the NX600 have superior technology for this?


My question is not related to the obvious Wifi 6 superiority of the NX600. But whether it will get better signal with the same SIM and in the location compared to the NX200, or whether the NX200 would have idential reception strength.


I have read the NX200 does not have Carrier Aggregation, so if the NX600 has it, it would be an obvious advantage.
