How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices

How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices

403 Reply
Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-12 02:35:24


Hi, I checked from the cloud server that the main Deco X60 is still online so I guess only the 4th Deco turn red? The rest of the 3 are still good?

Here are some suggestions for you:

1. More the office Deco a little bit closer to the other Decos in case it is caused by the distance.

2. if it is still red, please remove it from Deco APP by clicking the top three dots.

3.Wait until the office Deco back to blinking blue and add it on the Mesh again.

Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-14 09:15:21

@TP-Link Deco 

Hi there.

I have a network as follows: Modem-Wired switch-And the rest of the peripherals.

I have tried everything by setting the main Deco M4 to the wired switch, but it refuses to get internet that way. The ONLY dhcp is from the modem. Deco is set to AP mode as well.

I want to have it like this: Modem-Wired switch and then Deco plus all peripherals.

Right now, i have to use the Deco as a wired switch for it to work and only use peripherals in wifi mode, which isn't god enough. As soon as i connect the Deco to a switch, it disables internet.

Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-21 09:42:57

@TP-Link Deco 


Hi, I am moving to a new house and is deciding if I should network the 2 floors with CAT 6, 6a, 7 or 8 with an effort to future proof the setup.


I will be using my Deco M9 Plus for a while so wanted to check if the M9 Plus are compatible with CAT8 cables.


Appreciate your confirmation.

Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-21 10:04:22



Anytime you can cable a connection, you'll be much better off, plain and simple. Especially if it is a device providing a service (NAS, printer, etc.) needing consistent high throughout (why do most of your 4k streaming devices come with a Ethernet port) or needs super low lag (think gaming or zoom calls)


As far as CAT8 vs CAT6, you'll never notice the difference. You have to have a data Center with crazy high demand to NEED CAT8. CAT6 cable will be just fine. Use the savings to run dual connections from a central location (router and extrs switch go here) to your desk and home theater areas. You'll benefit most from those


Hint: Stairway walls usually run from basement to attic

Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-21 13:04:21

re: cabling in new (or re-) construction


Definitely cable when feasible. And redundancy.  Things happen, and cables or connectors get damaged. Or shorted out. Or corroded.


I have 15-year old CAT5A cabling in our house ... and it is still faster than WiFi6.  It's been through multiple upgrades in ALL the components connected to the cables ... and is still not the bottleneck in performance.

Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-21 13:17:58 - last edited 2021-08-21 13:19:54



If your "modem" is just a modem and not a router,most will only allow one device to connect (normally a router) you may need to connect your first deco to it in router mode via one Ethernet port then user the other port for the switch

Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-23 01:49:45


Hi, Deco M9 plus does support cat8.

And M9 Plus is Gigabits Ethernet port, maybe Cat 8 is too much for it.


Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-23 01:56:40

Dear all,


Thanks for your responses.



Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-08-24 15:36:42 - last edited 2021-08-25 05:57:40

@TP-Link Deco Will it work perfectly in my Situation . I have already asked before but didnt get the complete answer properly


From this . 

This is my current network setup. I want to change the complete layout of the networking. 
All the rooms have CAT6 Wire Socket added near beds for Routers and one near TV for direct TV support. 

I want to add Deco system to complete home network for free roaming situation where i am stuck here with all individual access points .

Planning to change the setup as 

Deco M4 or other Deco Device as main device as Router (Uses PPPoE Auth by my ISP want to know if it will support it or not) and connect to 
TP Link Switch with POE  prefer (TP-Link 16 Port Gigabit PoE Switch 8 PoE Port+  Model No: TL-SG1016PE) and connect to 
Deco Device for Individual rooms as Slave device. I can also use TV Area connection for setting up deco device. 
Update:  PoE Cameras are not going to be not  any more as i am going to use Wifi based Camera  / Ethernet backhaul for Smart Camera with Micro SD Slots. 

Will Deco device work perfectly as mentioned above ? 

Re:How to set up Ethernet Backhaul with your Deco devices
2021-09-28 00:55:39

@TP-Link Deco 

Can I set up the Deco Mesh network like this?

Any particular switch you recommended?
