backhaul randomly has failed
I have 3 M9 and 1 M5 that have been working in backhaul mode for many years.
Randomly this has stopped. the main router is connected to only one device on ethernet. the other 2 are connected via wifi link. Nothing has changed in my network. I have done a number of tests though
1) all the cables/ports are fine. I have connected other devices to them and checked the physical connection points with a line tester all the way back to the switch
2) wired ethernet is working across the board
3) i have 2 switches (both TP link due to previous problems with backhaul and mesh on a dlink device) tried isolating the backhaul to either one, no effect
4) when you plug in the deco to ethernet the switch doesn't see the device
5) when you attached a line tester to the decos ethernet point it is dark, on both ports
Leads me to believe that the ethernet ports have somehow been disabled on these 2 devices.
Device 1 spec that is failing. Deco M9Plus Firmware 1.61
Device 2 spec that is failing. Deco M5 Firmware 1.70
other two devices that are working just fine
Deco M9Plus Firmware 1.61
Deo M9Plus firmware 1.2.12 (this is the main router)