
Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support


Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support

26 Reply
RE:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
2024-05-28 16:52:50
D accord
RE:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
2024-05-31 07:16:40
This is most must feature we have !!
RE:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
2024-06-02 08:57:37
+1 pour toute les cameras
RE:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
2024-06-05 10:57:03
On the Tapo cameras it would be excellent to have the Home and Away modes activated via automation. Particularly now the geofencing is available. But also to allow it to be activated by a Tapo button. Then the last person of the family to leave the house can push the button to activate the Away mode, and when someone arrives home they can push the button to activate the Home mode.
RE:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
3 weeks ago
Re:Tapo C210: Home/Away Mode Shortcut/Automation Support
2 weeks ago

How can this not be a feature yet?

Privacy mode is used in this manner (for the C400 at least), so this threads request should be really easy and logic to add. The lack of this feature is the one thing that make me unwilling to recommend Tapo cameras to anyone at this time.


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