(Fixed)Tapo C225, when entering privacy mode or reboot, part of last video will not be saved.
I am reporting a bug with latest firmware.
I had enabled continuous recording.
When I enable privacy mode or reboot the camera by using Tapo app, I expect that the camera will save remaining unsaved videos into SD card, and make them available for playback. In case of reboot by using Tapo app, I expect the camera to save the remaining unsaved videos before reboot. But, unfortunately, this do not happen. I will explain what I found below:
Assume I enable privacy mode or reboot the camera (by using Tapo app) at time 21:14:10. After that, when I try to playback recorded videos from SD card, I found that only videos up to time 21:13:xx available for playback. Videos recorded between 21:13:xx and 21:14:10 (the time when I enable privacy mode or reboot) cannot be found.
For privacy mode, steps to reproduce this issue:
1. Ensure you had enabled continuous recording to local storage.
2. Enable privacy mode and take note of the time. Lets assume you enable privacy mode at time 21:14:10.
3. When the camera still in privacy mode, try to playback recorded videos. You will notice that only videos up to 21:13:xx available for playback. Up to last 1 minute of video before enabling privacy mode cannot be found.
For reboot, steps to reproduce this issue:
1. 1. Ensure you had enabled continuous recording to local storage.
2. In Tapo app, go to camera's settings, reboot the camera from there. Make sure you take note of the time when you tap the "Reboot Camera" button. Lets assume you reboot camera by using Tapo app at time 21:14:10.
3. After the camera reboot, try to playback recorded videos. You will notice that only videos up to 21:13:xx available for playback. Up to last 1 minute of video before enabling privacy mode cannot be found.
Firmware programmers, please fix this bug ASAP.
Just for your information, I found that, in case of privacy mode, if I never turn off the power of the camera when the camera is in privacy mode, then the next time when I disable privacy mode, the camera will save those previously unsaved videos (from 21:13:xx to 21:14:10 (the time you enable privacy mode)) into SD card and make them available for playback. But, if I turn off the power of the camera when the camera still in privacy mode, those unsaved videos will be gone forever. In case of reboot, those previously unsaved videos (from 21:13:xx to 21:14:10 (the time you reboot by using app)) will be gone.