tapo missing triggers and does not correct this "error" afterwards
Tapo constantly misses triggers - I am not sure for what reason - but for me it makes whole system useless as I need it to turn on and off heaters depending on temperature - if it is unreliable i will have -15 degrees cecsius in my house.
1. Tapo hub only connects sensors but whole steering is done remotedly through wifi and internet (with remote home with slower and not reliable internet it is useless). It should connect locally and steer all devices locally and just share all information with remote server.
2. If you have smart action that eg. checks if temperature is below 5 degrees and should turn on sockets (with heater connected) and for some reason it misses a trigger it wont check that condition periodically to correct "error" 10 seconds, 1 hour or 10 days after. Tapo should check all triggers periodically and also check if any trigger was triggered correctly - if a temperature is below 5 degrees and tapo sees that smart action is active and socket is still turned off
then it should turn it on immediately !
3. Smart actions are checked (if any of devices state should be changed) only when created - it should be checked also when i turn them on !!! otherwise I need manually check all devices if are at right state to trigger next action correctly!
Issue 1 is a matter of whole concept so probably not possible to change by tapo but 2 and 3 should be implemented immediately - otherwise whole system is not reliable and useless. I need to check other systems - maybe they work different way and are more reliable.