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Forums/ Controllers
By Primetime 3 weeks ago

Omada Controller won't recognize pfSense router

I'm trying to get my omada controller to recognize my pfsense router in topology. I enabled snmp on both the controller and the router, but no luck. Any guidance is appreciated.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By MrTom 3 weeks ago

Text Message Friendly Alert Emails Option

Hi. I have my Notification Alert Emails sending to my cell phone number carrier's email address, MYCELLNUMBER @ Carrier_URL. It's so I get almost instant alerts as a text message to my cell phone. Whi
Forums/ Controllers
By guyd2 3 weeks ago

VLAN configuration

Hi, Hardware: Router 605 Switch : SG2428P v5.20 Controller: OC200 (cant see its hardware/ firmware versions). I have 3 Vlans: 1. Infrastructure: VLAN_1 2. PCs: VLAN_10 3. CAM: VLA_20 4. IoT: VLAN_30 W
Forums/ WiFi
By edwin_zenon 3 weeks ago

Problemas de latencia con EAP660HD

He creado una red completa WLAN todo administrado atravez de la controladora OC200 haciendo uso de los EAP660 HD(US) v2.0 (3 de ellos son V1), conectado en cableado 6a certificado a switch SG3210XHP-M
Forums/ WiFi
By rg11250 3 weeks ago

Contrôleur Omada :Aucun périphérique trouvé.

Bonjour, Je possédais 2 EAP115Wall qui fonctionnaient très bien sans autre matériel Omada avec un simple Modem Routeur TL-MR100 pour du WiFi non contrôlé pour mon usage personnel. Je viens de mettre 2
Forums/ Controllers
By clogtastic 3 weeks ago

TP-LINK is removing OpenAPI and RADIUS in OC200 v5.15

TP-LINK is removing OpenAPI and RADIUS from the OC200 controller in v5.15. This is NOT OK - it's really very poor corporate behaviour, and highly damaging to customer's trust in your product offering.