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Stories/ Tapo Smart Light Bulb
By Wayne-TP 2023-10-27 09:51:22

Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation

Smart Action 2.0: Unlock Next-Level Smart Home Automation You are stepping into a whole new, more comprehensive era of smart homes. Join us in our upgraded Smart Action 2.0, and explore and unlock eve
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By PLhiro 2024-01-24 21:38:07

Tapo C420S2 - motion detection issue

Hi, I got some strange behaviour with all kinds of detection. I got my cam targeted on driveway, fence and little piece of lawn. I did narrowed detection area, but it seems like not applied at all. Wh
Forums/ Tapo Smart Hub
By tb68 2024-01-09 22:34:22

Do devices need to be within range of the hub, or simply a wifi network on the LAN?

Thinking about getting the T310 temperature / humidity sensor for our animal barn. I have a C210 camera in there now with no problems. I know I would need a hub for the T310, but does the T310 need to
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
By Solla-topee 2022-08-31 09:16:14

Introducing Tapo SubG Family- Smart Sensors, Smart Switches, Smart Buttons and More on the Way

What is Sub-GHz technology? Sub-GHz also known as Sub-1 GHz is an innovative IoT solution to automate and control smart home devices through a lower than-1Ghz new wireless frequency characterized b
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
By HmmmUK 2024-01-08 16:29:22

Plug differences: P100 P110 P110M

I'm new to all this so still learning... I'm looking at TAPO smart plugs and I've only just realised the differences between P100 / P110 / P110M ! Am I right in thinking...? P100 is a standard smart p
Forums/ Feature Requests
By HmmmUK 2023-12-22 17:49:20

External / outside motion detection sensor please :)

It would be good to see a Tapo external weather proof motion detection sensor! Any plans? Thanks. EDIT: Added 'motion detection' to make this clearer, it would be nice to be able to mount a movement s