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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Amenra 2024-05-03 17:19:58

Can't re-add NC450 on the app, admin password doesn't work after reset

Hello. I was trying to set up my NC450 cause I will be leaving for a trip, but the app just wouldn't cooperate, so I reset the camera and deleted/reinstalled the app. Now, whenever I try to add the ca
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Tomi_T 2024-05-03 12:19:18

Tapo C110's randomly dropping of network

Hi I have 2 C110 cameras that will randomly drop of network. Both drop always at the same time. After a couple of days cameras are back online. I also have a couple of P115 smart plugs in the same net
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Francesco58 2024-05-03 08:56:13

Riproduzione dei filmati a scatti

Per i vari modelli mi sono accorto che la riproduzione dei filmati registrati procede a scatti, non è fluida. Le micro SD sono tutte in classe 10. Come posso risolvere? Ho impostato la risoluzione a 7
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Barre02 2024-05-02 17:59:48

Tapo Camera c310 Showing pure red Light, nothing happens

My Tapo camera C310, is showing pure red led colour, nothing is blinking, i tried to hardware reset it and nothing happens? Any ideas please
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Dahu 2024-05-02 14:02:33

Power cable cut- can be repaired ?

Hi there 😉 The power cable has been cut by an animal... Can it be repaired ? (cut between the camera and the connector ? See pictures:
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By lkjbdhasf 2024-05-01 09:12:18

No More recodings since Cloud subscription

My cloud trial ended, and I subscribed to the tapo cloud since then my cam is no longer storing videos The live view is working fine. But nothing is stored Before the subscription, the videos were sto