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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By AlexetDam1609 2024-04-25 17:30:12

Je ne reçois plus les notifications push

Bonjour, depuis 15 jours je reçois plus les notifications push sur mon iPhone alors que depuis 2 mois que j'ai la camera Tapo C200 tout fonctionnait tres bien. je n'ai rien changé, rien modifie je ne
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By DMC91 2024-04-25 07:26:37

Possible to remove auto pan correction when startup Tapo camera?

Hi, may I know if it possible to release an update to toggle the automatic pan correction during startup?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Maykungth 2024-04-24 16:09:00

Detection frame with label is disappear

Hi, I use c520 ws tapo camera with lastest firmware and lastest Tapo app from play store(android). My tapo can detect motion or anything that I was setup but the blue detection frame with label (such
Forums/ Feature Requests
By FRondot 2024-04-24 15:41:18

RTSP on C425

Bonjour, J'ai plusieurs de vos caméras et routeurs. Et je suis très étonné de ne pas avoir l'option RTSP sur votre nouveau modèle ? C'est très gênant de ne pouvoir la mettre sur mon DVR Cordialement.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Vineetpchauhan 2024-04-24 15:25:22

Tapo c520ws camra not working

Tapo camra not working in last 10 days . Red light continue . 2-3 time camra restart and reconnected . But problem not solve and Recording not save, camra live time not match in real time at day night
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Sevra 2024-04-24 05:27:16

Tapo C210 not Working properly?

Tapo C 210 not working properly more problems detected Solve it ?