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Forums/ Feature Requests
By ankhazam Sunday

C225 Digital Zoom

Hello, is there an option to add digital zoom to this camera just like the C520WS? Kind regards, Ank
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By MFDOOM3003 Saturday

Video freezes on playback

hello. my tapo c320ws freezes the video on playback with tapo care like shown in the video.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By vitalyu Friday

Activity Zones not working about 2 years and no fixes. Totally ignored!

A lot of people tell You about broken functionality of Activity Zones. You just close the threads and nothings do. Issue presents on different models. This is common problem. Previous threads since 20

Live streaming: restriction after 5 minutes

I was getting the message "You have viewed the live video for 5 minutes without any operation. Continue the viewing?" Clicking the Continue button worked fine for another 5 minutes My solution was to
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By MarcosLL Saturday

Cámara Tapo c200 4 leds en rojo

la cámara se ha quedado con 4 leds en rojo y no responde ni a la app ni al reset.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Freedy67 Saturday

can't delete blank viewpoints

How can I delete blank viewpoint boxes? When I press pan & tilt, at the bottom of the screen I seem to have ended up with a blank box first with a + in it, then a view I want to keep, then another 2 b