Typo in time representation in Web UI (AX10 and possibly others)
Greetings TP-Link team!
A set of typos on Web UI I've noticed.
Location: Network map -> Internet -> Online Duration (label)
Case #1: When hour is non plural - space between digit and word goes away. "1hour" instead of "1 hour". Example screenshot:
Case #2: Day word starts with capital "D" which means ideally all these words must start with capital letter (Day Hour Minute) or none of them. "8 Days" instead of "8 days". Example screenshot:
Typos are minor inconvenience but they may make wrong assumption about the product. For example such typos may force people to think that product is not of high quality. Besides - absence of typos is aesthetically pleasant.
PS: I acknowledge that having at least one typo in my text makes it self defeating and ironic, but Web UI is available for all users while my complaint will be lost to time .
Thanks and have a good day!