C54 Archer limited download speed

C54 Archer limited download speed

C54 Archer limited download speed
C54 Archer limited download speed
2024-04-04 08:17:56
Model: Archer C54  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 230608



I have a problem with this router Archer C54 V1


Firmware is updated to latest version (doesn't matter all firmware versions have this problem) 


Download speed is limited to 20Mbps and Upload is fine.


My internet is 100/100Mbps and I get 20-25Mbps Download and 100Mbps Upload... 


Tested with QoS enabled and disabled the results are the same.


I think it is a bug in the router, I've read many same topics and problems as mine. 


With my wr740n model everything is working fine, so the problem is not the ISP or the PC.


Please, if possible what information should I provide to debug and try to fix this issue? 

TP link team needs to update it's software maybe with the fix... 

1 Reply
Re:C54 Archer limited download speed
Changing from 100Mbps Full Duplex to Auto negotiation increased the Download speed to 55Mbps and Upload was 80-90 now 55 like the download. When doing speedtest the router starts with 100Mbps (which I fully have from Isp) and then gets throttled after 1 second to 55Mbps. Auto negotiation again shows 100Mbps Full Duplex, but the speed is a bit better from the fixed value. Tp link messed hard. Time for a router brand change.


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