Hey @DRW-C425.,
If it is the feature that I am thinking of, these settings are specifically in regard to the clips that are created and is not meant as much for a retrigger, but as a tool to prevent excessive recordings and simply your feed of clips.

The "Retrigger Time" is the time required to pass before another recording can be created. This can be helpful for areas in which there is a lot of traffic during a shorter period or you expect multiple of the same time of event to occur right after one another. (Setting this to the lowest time will allow for the shortest potential gap between event recordings)
The "Record Buffer" is the time a camera will continue recording after an event or motion is no longer detected. (Setting this to a low value may cause some actions to be missed due to the shorter clip length, but will free your camera to create a new recording based on another event)
For your test to work, I believe you would want the sliders to use the lowest possible value. However, keep in mind that a clip will be extended towards the maximum clip length whenever an event is "refreshed." As an example, these settings could theoretically be used to create separate recordings for someone coming into the camera view twice within 30 seconds, or to allow your camera to create one recording with all the events of the exchange.