Feature in Tether iOS app not include in browser-based app
Why do you include features in Tether for iOS but NOT include them in the browser-based administration app? For obvious reasons, I can see how some features in the browser-based app might not be in the mobile app, but vice versa? For example, viewing Wi-Fi connections in the iOS app will show the band for each connection while the browser app does not.
Were these two tools developed by completely separated teams who were prohibited from communication with one another? What was the logic behind denial of that feature in the browser app?
Due to this oversight in the browser-based app, viewing wireless connections from the Basic tab requires me to add a "2.4G" or "5G" suffix to each custom connection name in order to quickly see which band is used by that connection. This custom naming and identification of the band for each was incredibly labor intensive. Thank you so much for that.
Can you share whether or not any future firmware updates are planned so I'd know whether or not to submit this as a bug fix? (I say "bug" because resolving the omission of this feature is not an enhancement.