Deco App 3.8.36 - Test and Provide Your Feedback on the Latest Additions
We are happy to offer a beta version of the Deco App: version 3.8.66 for Android and 3.8.36 for iOS. This allows the community to experience the enhancements and updates before the official release. We encourage anyone interested in this update to install the beta app on your phone or tablet and provide feedback. Your input will help us improve the app and enhance your experience with our products.
System Requirements
Android 5.0 or later
iOS 11.0 or later
Modifications and Improvements
1. Accelerated the App initialization process.
2. Enhanced the Deco APP interaction speed in various scenarios.
3. Optimized overall network online/offline connection status, being able to view network information through caches even when Deco was offline.
4. Improved Deco App's response to various unusual situations.
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