Signing Up for The TP-Link Community Newsletter

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Have you been receiving emails from the TP-Link Community over the past few months?



If not, we have begun to release the TP-Link Community Spotlight as our official newsletter summarizing any content about upcoming technologies, events, products, and features. We've recently discussed some of the newest technologies and systems being developed, such as Starlink, Wi-Fi 7, and More! If there is any content you would like to learn more about or think our team should focus on, let us know in the comments below!



Find a Complete List of Previous Editions Here



If you would like to start (or stop) receiving the newsletter in your inbox, the setting can be found in your notification settings for users registered to our forum. To get to these settings:


(1) - Select Your Username in the Top Right,


(2) - Select Settings on the Left Sidebar,


(3) - Select the Notifications Settings Tab,


(4) - Choose your Preference under Subscription for the TP-Link Community Newsletter










First-Time Registrations:40702f28fcf84579827d66f7f0ad80b7


If you are Registering an Account on the Community for the first time, you are able to subscribe to the newsletter by clicking the following box during Registration:


After Clicking Register, You will be sent an email to verify your TP-Link ID.


After Clicking the Link to Verify your email, you will then be redirected to the community site, where you can then select a username for the community.


Please Be Aware that In Order to Create a Username and Successfully Subscribe to the Community Newsletter, you MUST verify your Email Address



Great one
