Bringing Comfort and Convenience to Your Holidays with Kasa Geolocation

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Imagine the convenience of walking into a well-lit home after your workday, without the need to fumble for a light switch or stumble through a voice command. Or, if you have ever come home and had to ask yourself “Did I Really Leave that Light on All Day,” you may consider setting up the Geofencing Feature from Kasa.


🌍 What is Geolocation / Geofencing from Kasa?

Geolocation in smart home technology allows devices to respond to your phone’s physical location. With Kasa, this means your lights can automatically turn on or off based on your smartphone's location.  

This functionality is particularly useful for those with a regular commute, as it ensures you always return to a welcoming, illuminated home. 


Learn More About Kasa’s Geolocation Feature



⌛Enhancing Smart Acton Reliability with a Delay556e6eba324d4ace8616543c83b1bd21

Integrating a delay into the geolocation setting can refine your experience and compensate for any delays in location reporting. It's a small but thoughtful adjustment that can improve both the stability and experience that your automations provide.

This ensures that the lights are already on when you arrive, avoiding any wait in the dark for your lights to turn on, or the dread that comes with the thought “Why did my smart home automation not trigger?”

Tip: Consider Setting the Delay to 10 Minutes Less Than Your Average Commute Time 


📍Difference in Triggers: Leaving a Location vs Arriving at a Location

This holiday season, you can use Geolocation to make sure that your interior decorations are not left on when there is no one home to enjoy them while making sure they are ready as soon as you open your front door.


Consider the Following Automations where you want your lights to be on when you arrive home from work:


When You Arrive Home, Turn on Your Lights

-    Triggers Each Time You Approach Your Home
-    Possible Delays in Location Reporting May Delay Actions
-    Effective for Energy Saving Automations

When You Leave a Location (Work), Turn on Your Lights

-    Will Only Trigger on Workdays at the Start of a Commute Home
-    Higher Likelihood that the Device will Send a Location Update with a Large Location Change


Let us know how you use the Geofencing feature to add comfort and convenience to your home. Whether you’re tech-savvy and looking to automate your whole life or are new to Smart Home Automation, Kasa's geolocation feature is an understated way to make managing your home lighting effortless and efficient. 


⚡Looking to Save Energy? Try These Geofencing Automations:

-    When You Leave Home, Turn off Extra Lights / Appliances
-    When You Arrive at Work, Turn off Lights Used in the Morning
-    When you leave Work, delay 30 Minutes, Then Turn on Your Home Lights
-    When You Leave Work, Turn on Fans/ Humidifiers to Prepare for Your Arrival



Related Articles:


FAQ: How to turn on Precise Location for the Kasa App (iOS + Android)
Adding Smart Home Functionality to Your Lights - How Much is Too Much?



Bohooooooo... The feature Request I submitted a long time ago is still up in the air. I want the KASA app to be able to manage two or more locations from different time zones so that device automation that have time constraint can be set up in each location with the corresponding time zone. Currently I use two separate iPads to manage my KASA devices in two locations that are in two time zones.
