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Forums/ Feature Request
2023-05-24 21:33:29
Re:Schedule at Sunrise/Sunset as with other devices
@Solla-topee Thank you !
Forums/ Feature Request
2023-05-23 13:48:28
Schedule sunset/sunrise for EC60 - IOS App v 3.3.300 build 1498
It will be nice to be able to schedule the camera to turn on at the sunset and turn off at sunrise as do with other Kasa devices (light bulbs and switches) on Kasa App. I think is not a big deal to...
Forums/ Feature Request
2023-05-23 00:03:09
Schedule at Sunrise/Sunset as with other devices
It will be nice to be able to schedule the camera to turn on at the sunset and turn off at sunrise as do with other Kasa devices (light bulbs and switches) on Kasa App. I think is not a big deal to...
Forums/ Kasa Cameras
2023-05-19 16:40:20
EC60 On.Off Widget and/or Motion On/Off Widget
EDIT: I found out that for iPhone it does not need the Widget to turn on/off the camera. Just create a shortcut and choose Kasa App --> Turn Device ON/OFF --> Choose your camera and create one...
Forums/ Kasa App and Integrations
2022-10-26 13:30:19
Re:All Smart Actions Stopped Working
@TheWebMachine @Solla-topee I notice that the smart action is not working when I turn on the device with a scene, I believe it is a important information. . If I turn on the device on the Home screen...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-10-08 18:12:30
Re:KASA App V3.0 bug setting MODE White Light on a scene
@Solla-topee With the KASA app update to version 3.0.2 solved the problem. MODE > WHITE LIGHT It's working fine now THank you very much for the quick fix . Adriano