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Forums/ Feature Request
2022-10-25 02:03:38
Re:More than three smart actions
@Riley_S Tell whomever "Thanks!"
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-10-25 02:01:32
Re:Anywhere Switch - But Is It?
@Riley_S : Lets hope they do. I wish I'd known about said poll, I'd have voted (again), for the satellite switch.. Interesting that Leviton and Lutron both have them.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-10-25 01:56:55
Re:two blacks vs one
Buy a voltmeter. Test and document. Know: What line is hot (will be so when switch is off). That is "line" What line is hot only when switch is on. That is "load". Test voltage from suspected voltage...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-10-25 01:48:49
Re:load and neutral wiring question for KS200M
@HHmayo I suggest a number of things: Become more familiar with the correct terms and what your wires are. Examples: There is no such thing as a "line/load" wire. Kasa does you no favors in their...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-07-21 15:19:08
Re:Smart actions more than 3 active
Guys: I certainly remain convinced TP-Link is handling this poorly. Nor are they at all responsible towards time frames in other things. I write instead to share some work arounds for new guys: 1) If...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2022-06-27 21:58:00
Re:Smart actions more than 3 active
1) My experience with TP-link phone support has befitted the initials "T P", so please accept my thanks you for your support to this forum. 2) Can support return: Interesting - I'd assumed the...