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Forums/ Controllers
By PavelV 2022-01-15 10:49:06

Every setting change - WAN port is down

Hello, every setting change - WAN ports is down, for example, renaming the client. Internet connection goes down for 5 minutes. It reminds me name of the Škoda 1000MB (Mladá Boleslav) vehicle, which w
Forums/ Controllers
By d0ugmac1 2022-04-07 23:06:59

BUG: Insight->Switch Status reporting incorrect throughput figures

Showing same aggregate figures for UP/DOWN and TX/RX rates. The latter should be realtime not summation. This is on an OC200 v1.0 5.0.30 sw
Forums/ Controllers
By Prawolf 2022-04-19 06:36:42

Omdada Software Controller Request Timeout after Login

I am running the Omada controller software in docker on a Raspberry Pi and everything was working fine. I am using the Omada Version 5.1.7, since a few days I cannot login in my system. After pressing
Forums/ Controllers
By OMADA-tunisia 2022-04-16 11:23:54

Omada cloud Web keeps disconnecting

I can connect to the omada cloud web Just for 1 minute and then it disconnect and shows "too many request" message and it happen on oc 200 and software omada on 5.17 and prior firmware and on android
Forums/ Controllers
By MR.S 2022-04-16 21:01:41

EAP Force-Disassociation

Anyone or @Fae @Hank21 I wonder where to define threshold on EAP Force-Disassociation option. The help text says this. Force-Disassociation: When disabled, the AP only issues an 802.11v roaming sugges
Forums/ WiFi
By Chad711 2022-04-15 00:04:24

Are we still waiting on mDNS functionality with TP Link?

I see a new releaes came out start of this year but I didnt see any mention of mDNS. Is this ever going to happen so I can setup IoT correctly with my TP Link hardware?