XE75 clients dropping off
Hi, I recently upgraded my router to a 2 pack of the Deco XE75, mainly because I run a lot of smart home devices in my home and my Archer AX10 and two extenders were beginning to struggle with the number of clients on the network. I have approximately 55 clients connecting via wifi and another 5 ethernet clients. Most of them are smart home devices, but also include laptops and home computers. So far, I'm very pleased with the results from using the XE75.
However, the main reason I chose the XE75 was because it could apparently handle 200 clients on the network. My problem is that only about 45-51 of those clients seem to be able to connect to the network at any one time. The others are highlighted in gray as not connected in the Deco app. It's not any particular client. Some are smart locks and cameras, but also less often, my laptops. I'm puzzled why when I'm nowhere near the threshold of the devices' capabilities. Rather frustrating is when a smart lock disconnects when I'm arriving home and I have to wait for the device to connect up with the wifi to give me access.
I've tried re-booting the two XE75 devices, the firmware is up to date, the two router/access points are well positioned, the cable internet is running at very acceptable speeds (300mbps up and 10mpbs down) and none of the clients struggle when connected and I'm very happy with the video streaming improvements. When I turn on alerts for devices going off and online, I get constant warnings on my phone that the clients are going on and off line to an almost annoying degree.
I feel it's something in my settings that's causing this, but I've tried everything from turning off IPv6, turning off QoS and trying with and without that setting with favored devices. But even the clients that I give preferable access to, go offline. I don't have a guest network switched on, nor do I have any desire to do this as I need all the clients on the same wifi network. My Wifi 6e is used as a dedicated backhaul channel. I've checked to see if any neighoring wifi networks are interfering and they're not and the Deco is automatically switching anyway. The Networks Diagnostics show that there isn't any channel congestion.
I'm really happy with the improvements that these devices have given to my network, but what am I doing wrong when anything between 5-10 clients are disconnecting like they do? I'm only going to add more clients to my system in the future, so I'm hoping that the XE75 will handle more as advertised, but it feels like it's kicking them off because there are too many. Your thoughts and advice appreciated!