Satellite Decos don´t connect to main deco
Just updated my deco xe75 pro V. 1.6 to the last firmware 1.2.5 and now any satellite deco cannot connect to it. I don´t know if it´s because of the update or something else.
In my house I have 7 decos: two xe75pro and 5 xe60 ( I am thinking to take one out, because I read those are to many)
A month ago, everything was working fine, but I wanted to create a IoT network, so I eliminated my original network. I created two networks: the IoT and the main one. I finished all the connections and the problems started. I have around 40 Iot devices connected, and suddenly they appeared connected to the main network randomly. After that, the second problem began.
All the satellite deco (x60) started to lose connection although some one them had a green light, in the deco app appeared offline. Currently, just the two xe75 pro are connected with a Ethernet connection but the others don´t connect. I rebooted the network, disconnected the decos and nothing changes. Sometimes, one or two x60 connects, but after a while they appear offline again.
Today I updated the x60 to 1.2.8 build 20240522 Rel. 33652 but nothing changed, they are offline. Sometimes, one or two got connection and after a while, they disconnect. Please, help!!! My network is useless this way.