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Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
By Xabeer 2023-12-13 12:54:35

Kidshield for IOS

Hi team, I already payed for Extended Parental Control, but I realised that Kidshield is only available for Android. I read that IOS should be available before the end of the year, but I could not fin
Forums/ Range Extenders
By Sanofian 2023-03-07 16:42:44

RE300 password issue

Trying to set up an RE300 with a vr400 router. Every method I try results in the extended networks having a non changeable password of ?undefined?. No matter what I do I cannot get the RE300 to inheri
Forums/ Deco
By piknew 2023-03-02 19:48:03

Deco M4 and M5 - change the main Deco from M5 to M4

Originally I have bought set of two M4 devices. Some time later I have got Deco M5 and then I have added it to my network. Then M5 was set as main deco. One of M4 device was removed from network. Now
Forums/ Deco
By EMFON 2023-02-25 18:02:23

From M5 to X50, Stupidest Upgrade

From M5 to X50, Stupidest Upgrade With this upgrade, I lost the ff. features: - Do speedtests - A more programmable QoS - Free out-of-the-box protection (homecare) Stupid indeed.
Forums/ Deco
By devilson911 2023-02-25 15:25:01

Deco X50-PoE not showing they are connect with cable

Hi, I connect my three Deco X50-POE to single switch and that switch connected to my Internet Modem. the issue i am observing the Main access point connected to Internet Modem and second Access point
Forums/ Deco
By Whitesnake 2023-02-15 08:50:19

Deco X50/55 VPN server speed

Morning, I setup my Deco X55 with a L2TP/IPSec server VPN and I only get around 15MB up/down speed (connected at the same Wireless wifi at home). My connection is 300MB up/down, so I would like to kno