Following: 6Followers: 17
Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:Error restoring Omada controller backup to new server
@jonmaxey Try reinstall Java and make sure you use 64bit
Forums/ WiFi
2 weeks ago
Re:Meshing EAP with Deco
@OwenR you cannot mesh omada units with deco units
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Captive portal on ER706W?
@KTS-UK make sure you have enable gateway on SSID settings
Forums/ WiFi
2 weeks ago
Re:EAP245 V3 Firmware Update
@KarlTheViking I share your frustration, I myself have two EAP620v1 that haven't had an update since 2021, it was out of date before I bought it. same thing with EAP245v1,EAP225v2 because of that I...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Can't Log Into Home Server After Installing TP-Link Wired Router
@Technomann-2 before we go further, upgrade the firmware on the router, the first versions were extremely buggy...
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Can't Log Into Home Server After Installing TP-Link Wired Router
@Technomann-2 so what you're trying to do is simply LAN to LAN communication, which router you use should have no influence on that, the router gives out an ip and then the router doesn't do anything...