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Forums/ Controllers
By luckman212 2024-10-30 13:09:11

Controller v5.14.32.2 pulled?

I noticed that "Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.14.32.2_linux_x64.deb" controller software has been removed from the Downloads page at as
Forums/ Controllers
By Vincent-TP 2024-10-18 03:23:02

Omada SDN Controller_V5.15.6.4 Pre-Release Firmware(Released on Oct 18th, 2024)

This Article Applies to Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.15.6.4 Windows (Windows 7/8/10/11/Server, 64bit Recommended) Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.15.6.4_linux_x64.tar Omada_SDN_Controller_v5.15.6.4_linux_x64.deb O
Forums/ Routers
By Clive_A 2024-09-14 02:41:16

Disable NAT on Omada Router

This Article Applies to: Certain Omada models. Issue Description/Phenomenon: In certain situations, especially, ISP provides a modem-router and intends to disable the NAT to eliminate the double-NAT p
Forums/ Routers
By MR.S 2023-05-15 05:18:57

ER8411 OpenVPN/SSL VPN Issue

@Fae About OpenVPN/SSL VPN issue. Today is 6 months since I reported the VPN error, it still hasn't been fixed. Do you have any more information about what's going on? Is there anyone working on this?
Forums/ Routers
By jake-at-home 2024-05-14 21:19:50

Omada ER605 leaking MAC addresses on WAN interface

My ISPs upstream CIsco switch is shutting of my connection because they are detecting multiple MAC addresses sending from my port. This is a brand new installation of the ER605. It is running in contr
Forums/ WiFi
By itkairos 2024-08-23 02:44:13

Please tell me how to block multicast on ssid

hello. Please tell me how to block multicast on ssid. I am having problems with 5g wifi quality. After searching Google, I found the article below, which explains unifi equipment. How can I configure