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Forums/ Controllers
By mskarl 2021-12-30 16:24:38

Access NAS DDNS while on local network - Loopback?

I'm trying to access a synology DDNS from my local network and it times out. I can access it properly from outside of my network. I can also access the same address just fine from my local network usi
Forums/ WiFi
By jjj42 2021-12-30 12:02:25

Pixel 6 not roaming between Wifi 6 and Wifi 5 APs

My house has a lot of WiFi resistant walls, so I have quite a few APs, all EAP 225 except for one EAP615 (and a OC 200 controller). I recently got a Pixel 6 which is the first (and only) WiFi 6 compat
Forums/ Controllers
By Precison23 2020-09-23 21:09:24

Resetting the OC200 SDN Dashboard Association Failures Widget

On the OC200 SDN Dashboard, I have a widget on the Overview page for Association Failures. I want to reset that to -0-, and have searched the user manual and online and cannot figure out how to reset
Forums/ Controllers
By arobase 2021-12-26 09:13:59 - mbentley/docker-omada-controller

Bonjour à tous. Petit sujet concernant une solution d'hébergement sécurisé de docker nommé L'objectif premier était de ne pas devoir s'occuper de la gestion du serveur (installation, mise à
Forums/ Controllers
By MauriceGee 2021-12-27 08:49:17

Version 5.0.28 of Linux Omada Controller Software

@TP-Link When will version 5.0.28 for Linux become available?
Forums/ Controllers
By dragon2611 2021-12-30 09:24:29

Config confirm/rollback?

Can configuration confirmation/rollback be added to the omada controller, so that if you change the configuration and it breaks connectivity to the omada controller it will be rolled back. Or maybe ju