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Forums/ Controllers
By Vaughan2021 2021-12-30 00:21:46

Port Forwarding

Hi i need some help getting a port open on my setup. Is there something im missing . Ive tried everything I can think of. When ever I scan for port 9095 it is closed.
Forums/ WiFi
By TrungH 2021-12-29 21:17:03

EAP610 constantly "failed to readopt automatically" and has "heartbeat missed"

On my omada controller I am constantly presented with an alert stating my EAP610 failed to readopt automatically and there's a heartbeat missed in the device manager. The weird thing is the AP appears
Forums/ WiFi
By Dez-uk 2021-12-29 13:32:58

Port blocking

Having issues with starlink trying to block the following ports but i cant find the equivalents screen to below in omada. Thanks in advance?
Forums/ WiFi
By Chvybeatsford 2021-12-29 13:32:27

EAP 660HD retried rate bad

I seam to be having horrible retried rates with on the 660 hd. Running a Eap 245 v3 and a 660hd using Software controller . (not in mesh ) all Hard wired. Ill attach a photo below showing both ap. Wha
Forums/ Routers
By rtm42 2021-12-29 02:43:50

Configure tl-r605 with tplink dinamic dns

its posible to configure r605 with tplink dinamic dns instead of NOIP, DynDNS and so on?
Forums/ Controllers
By PavelV 2021-12-28 09:52:51

Omada OC200 Bandwidth Control - MAC Group

Hello, will there ever be a feature where you can use MAC group for Bandwidth Control? Use of the IP-Port Group is unusable for me in this case. It is also not possible to easily select a range of IP