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Forums/ WiFi
By Chvybeatsford 2021-12-29 13:32:27

EAP 660HD retried rate bad

I seam to be having horrible retried rates with on the 660 hd. Running a Eap 245 v3 and a 660hd using Software controller . (not in mesh ) all Hard wired. Ill attach a photo below showing both ap. Wha
Forums/ Routers
By rtm42 2021-12-29 02:43:50

Configure tl-r605 with tplink dinamic dns

its posible to configure r605 with tplink dinamic dns instead of NOIP, DynDNS and so on?
Forums/ Controllers
By PavelV 2021-12-28 09:52:51

Omada OC200 Bandwidth Control - MAC Group

Hello, will there ever be a feature where you can use MAC group for Bandwidth Control? Use of the IP-Port Group is unusable for me in this case. It is also not possible to easily select a range of IP
Forums/ WiFi
By DavidGeeroms 2021-12-28 19:08:03

Omada EAP245 offline after starting software controler

I installed the latest version of the software controler while my computer was connected with an ethernet cable. Everything went smoothly. I managed to configure everything like I wanted. After the in
Forums/ Controllers
By helmut21 2021-12-28 08:01:48

Disable 3DES encryption on L2TP

Hello, I am using a ER605 and created a VPN tunnel (Client-to-site) to access my network from an iPad. Under the VPN status overview, the used encryption algorithm is SHA1-3DES - is there a way to for
Forums/ Controllers
By ITV 2021-12-27 22:09:51

New firmware for the OC200 Just noticed the new firmware - also as download via the Dutch part of the support site. However, the OC200 controler still says "up to dat