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Forums/ Routers
By Alfamation 2021-12-21 07:59:56

NAT with ER605

Hello, i just bought an ER605 NAT router with the purpose to use it as a NAT, basically i need it to isolate machines from two separate private networks. Here is an example of what i'm trying to achie
Forums/ WiFi
By Suportec 2021-12-21 18:38:17

Wireless problem with 6 EAP110

hi, i have 5 EAP110 AND 2 TL-WA801N configure in an office. users reports some issues when connect to internet via wireless. my questions is: do i need to set an diferrent channel for each AP ? my ssi
Forums/ Controllers
By Fae 2021-12-21 12:47:02

Omada Hardware Controller_v5.0.29 has been released on December 21, 2021

This Article Applies to: OC200_V1_1.14.2, OC300_V1_1.7.0 (Build-in Omada Controller v5.0.29) Release Notes: New Features & Enhancements 1) Added Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) feature for Cloud Acces
Forums/ Routers
By TPLDem 2021-12-19 22:51:08

Confused with ER605 Download

Hello Community, I am looking here: `` Under "Download" it references `ER605(UN)_V1.6_1.1.1_20210723` But when I actually click the fil
Forums/ Controllers
By KarenW 2021-12-20 10:58:07

Blocking Outgoing Ports From Guest Network --> WAN

Hi I run a guest network for folks staying at our remote hostel. Due to bandwidth issues, I need to prevent guests accessing the internet via anything other than ports 80, 443, 110, 143,21,465,992 & 9
Forums/ Controllers
By 2021-12-20 17:35:39

Omada controller v5.0.29

After updating controller In alerts "The number of logs is up to the limit"