New Kasa Cam outdoor model?

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New Kasa Cam outdoor model?

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New Kasa Cam outdoor model?
New Kasa Cam outdoor model?
2021-10-03 13:33:52
Model: KC200  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: Latest

I have the KC200 cameras and monthly subscription with the Kasa App.


Do Kasa plan any new model to replace the KC200 for 3/4MB and better night vision distance to keep up with competitors?


I looked that the Tapo but you cannot add to the Kasa App of Kasa subscription, the KC200 is great plus I have Kasa pan and tilt range on my subscription.

1 Reply
Re:New Kasa Cam outdoor model?
2021-10-08 08:12:33 - last edited 2021-10-08 10:02:14

@WhiteRoseAl  Hello, 

We have an outdoor Model KC420WS (not released yet) will  support 4MP with good night vision, but this model will be available in the US first, probably not in other countries from current information, besides release date is not yet confirmed.  

If you would consider Tapo cameras uses  a different APP, you may have a look at Tapo C320WS/Tapo C310 (use SD card for 24/7 reocrding )

Tapo care:




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