Reproducible: All KL125 bulbs flicker rapidly when programmed with a 30 minute fade to power OFF
I have four KL125 bulbs & two KL130 bulbs, all programmed identically:
- 15 minutes before sundown, they are prgrammed to fade from OFF to ON over a 30 minute period. As far as I have observed, this happens normally.
- 15 minutes before sunrise, they are programmed to fade from ON to OFF over a 30 minute period. As far as I have observed, this happens normally on the KL130 bulbs.
On the four KL125 bulbs, for all 30 minutes of the fade around sunrise, all the KL125 bulbs rapidly flicker on & off. At the end of the fade, they then turn OFF. During the flickering, I can turn each one OFF & back ON using the Kasa phone app, whereupon they enter the normal configured "ON" state (full brightness at 5500K).
All bulbs appear to be current on firmware. This should be easy to reproduce & fix. I'm glad to do any additional testing you request. This happens each morning.