TAPO C110 SD card instability
Have acquired recently the C110 model to use with constant recording on a 64GB Samsung SD card.
I've formatted the card on the camera but after about 4 or 5 days the camera stops recording with an inexistent SD card error.
After a reboot the SD card is recognized but it still does not record any more, i can see all the videos up till the time it stopped recording.
Formatting the SD card will make the camera record again but it will happen again a few days later.
I use the same SD card with other brands, have tried a new one and the problem is the same.
I've enable the logging on the app and can provide it to TP-Link.
Any one else with this kind of issue?
Some errors on the log:
4,370,24249803,-;FT-fs (mmcblk0): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
[Media Source]: MediaInfo update, iCodec 100 and iNaluType 8
0 Update SPS/PPS/VPS media info iCodec 100
[1;33m[DEBUG][0m 1664944993:420045 pCommonContext->ucIRState is set to : 0
3,523,33117814,-;FT-fs (mmcblk0): error, fa_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 490773)
3,524,33126223,-;FT-fs (mmcblk0): Filesystem has been set read-only
3,525,33146971,-;FT-fs (mmcblk0): error, fa_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 490773)
3,533,33246094,-;FT-fs (mmcblk0): error, fa_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 490773)
[storage] MP4DemuxParse(1422). Error: box size(0) is invalid
[storage] open_binary_index_file(1527). fail to open "/tmp/mnt/harddisk_1/sys01.bin"[Read-only file system]
[storage] hold_curr_disk(706). open storage idx failed
[storage] stm_write(4790). fail to update curr context.