Some great ideas - software features
I have just purchase the RV30 which I think is excellent. However there are a couple of improvements that I think could be very easily added.
1.) I have a room that has a step down into it, as well as a conservatory that has a raised door threshold. The Vacuum mapped it by looking though the open door so its on the map, but when I ask it to clean it tries to get into the room but it can not. It would be great in this situation that it goes to as far as it can and then asked the user for help to be placed into the room. This could also apply for rooms where the door has been shut (forgot to open, before cleaning).
2.) It would be good to have non mop zones so that the the vacuum doesn't try to mop my rug which is on the wooden floor.
3.) I have put the dock for the vacuum under my sofa which is neat as the vacuum hides away and then pops out to clean. A quick function to pop out of the dock by 1m would be great. Eject from Dock.
4.) It would be useful to be able to set markers to call the Vacuum to so you can get it for emptying, filling the water, cleaning the mop etc.
All of these would be simple software updates to the app and would make the already great vacuum even better.