Feature Requests
2022-02-26 09:04:29
Log of away mode times
How about being able to see, directly in app, log of times when the bulb switched on/off just for that day?
Feature Requests
2021-05-13 11:54:31
Static IP
The Ability to set a static IP address on all TAPO devices would be great. reason: every time a TAPO devices loses conection to the wifi and reconnects it demands a new IP address from the DHCP server
Feature Requests
2022-02-02 11:27:24
Simpler network change
Why do I have to soft reset the bulb and go thru every step if I just want to connect to another wifi network? I think this should be much easier as in selecting new wifi and entering password, done.
Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2022-01-17 08:24:25
L510e in away mode doesn't work properly
Away mode stops turning bulb on and off after 12AM, away mode is still active and everything seems to be working well except that the bulb stays off. Tests done: 1. Away mode active from 5PM-6AM for 5
Feature Requests
2022-01-13 20:47:59
Away mode
Away mode is great, and I get it that it is completely random but I think it needs a few more options. For example, minimum number of on/off times during the set period, or a set number of times. Also
Feature Requests
2021-10-12 05:44:16
Tapo lamps L510, L530 always turn on when power is applied
Tapo lamps L510, L530 always turn on when power is applied, which is inconvenient because in the event of a power outage and subsequent appearance, the lamps will always turn on and will work. This is