I use a different SSID names on the extender (my SSID with a suffix of .ext). I set it up using one band as a backhaul as the devices can handle either band. Only on very rare case have I needed to reboot the extender and as I recall it was after a power outage. Then, I power cycled the modem, router, extender, and PCs. I did not need to power cycle anything during last power outage last week. The extender is slower in speed because of the just the way it works. Most devices are things like iPads and laptops that I need the extended range. I placed the extender almost in sight of the router and let it handle getting to the dead area as I wanted the signal to/from the router and extender to be strong as possible. 2.4 GHz is better for distance and 5 GHz is better for speed. Turning the router, adjusting the antennas, even small moves in different direction or height makes a difference. On the router, channel selection and band width can also help as there are so many other things using the same bands that can cause interference.