Guest Network does not work if DHCP is turned off on the router
I have an AX6000 and it is up to date on its firmware (by the way thank you for the last update the interface and the changes are great)
Now with that said, I have a new issue as I am tighting security on my private network. I tied the AX6000 to work with Amazon Alexa so I can turn off and on the Guest Network. However I discovered the guest network (when someone connects to it) is not assigning an IP address and any devices on it can not get to the internet.
The reason this is happening is that I have a NAS server and my DHCP is on that server instead of using the Archer AX6000.
Is their any way to make it so Guest Network does not need access to my local network (I want them to just get on the internet) with my current setup of the DHCP server being on a seperate device?
Current Setup in simplar terms
Archer AX6000
- Being used for WiFi and access to the internet, nothing else
- DHCP server
NOTE: Reason I am using the NAS for DHCP is main because the new Archer AX6000 interface does not allow you to sort items on the DHCP server list. You aslo can not give devices you are adding names directly on the DHCP screen. You have to go to the Client List and scroll through everything (as their is no sorting their either) and try and find the device you want to give a name.
I have about 80 devices on my private network which is why sorting is so important to me.