Deco mesh system refuses WIFI reconnection after connected device goes idle or powers off

Deco mesh system refuses WIFI reconnection after connected device goes idle or powers off

Deco mesh system refuses WIFI reconnection after connected device goes idle or powers off
Deco mesh system refuses WIFI reconnection after connected device goes idle or powers off
a week ago

Deco X55 keeps refusing Wi-Fi connections for Roku and echo devices if they go idle or are powered off for a day.  Error seems to indicate "invalid  password"if I trace the error code on Roku,

but clearly it is correct because if I reboot Deco it connects fine. I don't want to keep all connected devices powered up all the time, and I don't want to reboot the router constantly. What's the issue here?.

I actually tossed out a perfectly good Roku and Echo dot thinking they had bad WI-FI since they kept erroring reconnection to the new router with strong signal. So assumed they had bad Wi-Fi cards.

now the new replacements show the same error and takes a router reboot to resolve. Please fix this or let me know what I need to do differently. Also have a weather station that should be consistently uploading data at regular intervals but seems to drop intermittently for no apparent reason.

any help is appreciated.
