KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less

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KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less

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KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2018-06-27 00:18:21
Model :

Hardware Version :

Firmware Version :


I have had 3 of the KC120 cams for a while and I'm getting frustrated with the 20 second limit on the videos. There are people moving in the videos so I know there is movement. There has to be a way to capture all the movement or else this is not a legitimate security camera. What if there is an intruder in the house and his face is not in view within that 20 seconds? I won't have any footage to send the police.

I understand I can subscribe to increase the history up to 30 days and storage up to 30GB but, these will not help my issue. I need longer clips. I need to capture all motion while it's happening. You never know when the intruder's face will be at the best angle to send to police.

Is there a way to capture all movement? Is there a way to increase the length of the clips recorded? Thanks.

Hardware version: 1.0
Firmware version: 2.2.5
10 Reply
Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2018-06-27 16:48:27
I consulted the similar question before.
The length of each clip is 3mins, and it will stop if there is a 10s pause.
We can't capture all movement because of this.
Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2018-06-28 04:23:33
The 10 second pause doesn't work for my cam. It stops at about a 2 second pause. I tested it myself moving around in front of the cam with short pauses. Maybe I have a defective cam but, I don't think it's a hardware issue. I tried updating the firmware and it says there are no updates. I would think this could be fixed with an update and is not a hardware issue. Can you please look into this and let me know if this can be updated so the clips aren't cut off too soon? Thanks.
Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2018-06-28 11:38:59
For your case, it's recommended to take a video with a phone and send email to tp-link support directly.
Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2018-08-13 06:25:03
I'm having the same issue. In one video, the preview frame of the cloud video clearly shows me in shot walking up the driveway but when I played the video in full, it was only one second long and I never made an appearance. In another video, a car was driving through the shot and when halfway across the screen, the video just ended! I even tried increasing sensitivity but that didn't help.

This is no use to me at all and if I don't find a solution, I will have to return the camera.
Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2020-09-28 06:20:44



I have the same issue here and it's 2020. Any solution? It records only 5-20 sec clips even though there is constant motion in the sensitivity zone but still it cuts off and make a new video with the rest.

Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2020-10-16 00:48:37

@littlefinger8 Same problem on KC100, but the video's are only 2-4 seconds and the poster frame is not in the video, so i know it was recording.  Seems to be a systemic problem withe KASA software.

Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2021-01-04 11:56:38

@flying snow How will taking a video present you with any more information than the writer has already conveyed, read the posts on this page, this is not a one off issue

the Kasa Cam Camera's are simply not recording long enough and they are locking down for to long a time interval before re-activating the Camera in Film Mode.


I am a retired Electrical Engineer with so many years of Computing Skills you could not count them on 2 hands and the ability to adjust or fix this issue myself tells me that 

the problem is in the Software 


The Box should carry a warning "NOT SUITABLE FOR FILMING THIEFS"  Only for Use where you require to film the ODD EVENT for less than 10 - 15 seconds

Mr Spence Eng

Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2021-10-09 18:16:36
Ive had two occasions where a vehicle has come up the driveway and i think two men got out but it stopped recording when the vehicle stopped to let them out.. i will never be sure. A simple update that allows us to change the inactivity length would be welcomed.. but at this point and product age i dont think kasa is the way to go, i invested in ten cameras over the year but frankly its not any good as a security system because it always seems to miss the moment. Frankly i doubt tp link give a toss as thats been my experience with problems so far
Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2021-11-21 17:38:22 - last edited 2021-11-21 17:39:10

I have the same issue. Camera will record delivery vehicles coming up the driveway. Then it stops recording while they are getting packages from the back of the vehicle. Then it doesn't start recording again until the vehicle is driving away. It misses recording the person walking into my garage and then back out. 


This is a regular occurrence. If someone were to break in, there is a good chance I would not be able to describe the person to police.

Re:KC120 cam records only 20 seconds or less
2022-02-23 20:24:22


littlefinger8 wrote

Model :

Hardware Version :

Firmware Version :


I have had 3 of the KC120 cams for a while and I'm getting frustrated with the 20 second limit on the videos. There are people moving in the videos so I know there is movement. There has to be a way to capture all the movement or else this is not a legitimate security camera. What if there is an intruder in the house and his face is not in view within that 20 seconds? I won't have any footage to send the police.

I understand I can subscribe to increase the history up to 30 days and storage up to 30GB but, these will not help my issue. I need longer clips. I need to capture all motion while it's happening. You never know when the intruder's face will be at the best angle to send to police.

Is there a way to capture all movement? Is there a way to increase the length of the clips recorded? Thanks.

Hardware version: 1.0
Firmware version: 2.2.5

Try setting the Motion Sensitivity to the highest setting.  This worked for me!
