Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability

Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability

135 Reply
Re:Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability
a week ago

  @Nicosilva86 altough I truely appreciate all the efforts from @David-TP I fully agree that QC in software release s must get a big make-over and upgrade. 

Current status of deco X50 is 

- Connection Stable;

- App is useless cause of all the errors and false status indications of cliënts 

Re:Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability
a week ago

  @David-TP I've been having absolutely horrible network performance, as far as stability is concerned, since upgrading my 3 X50's to firmware 1.5.5, build 20249718, around 2 weeks ago (my auto-upgrade is disabled).


The typical symptoms seem to be bad connectivity between the main router and the satellite nodes, to the point that the satellite nodes start blinking red, and then become green again after ~10-20 seconds.


Obviously, from a client perspective, a ping to the main router's IP will start showing timeouts when this happens...


The nodes have also not changed as far as their physical location is concerned, and pre 1.5.5, I did not have this issue at all and network performance was very good.  Or at least, I never noticed anything significant (which can quickly be seen/felt, in streaming or videoconference calls and such).


Thing I've tried, based on reading these forums, which haven't changed anything as far as this issue is concerned:


* Disabled Beamforming

* Upgraded the firmware to 1.5.5, build 20240816 Rel. 73213, beta

* Rebooting everything (even unplugging everything, just in case)

* Rebooting the modem connected to my main router


So, some questions that come to mind...


* Is there any other (beta?) firmware that I could try that might resolve this?

* Is it possible to downgrade from 1.5.5 to a previous 1.5.x version?  (I cannot seem to find this?  Not sure if there is one?)

* From what I understand, downgrading to 1.4.1 might be a possibility, but I don't exactly have an urge of wiping out all network configs (unless I can save these and re-apply easily somehow?)...

* Any other suggestion on what might be possibly helpful?



Re:Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability
a week ago
After update 1.5.5, the last version When entering the Wi-Fi access control menu and choosing the Allow list mode ، He returns on his own to make the block list the next day . knowing that in the update Previous I didn’t have this problem Please fix this problem, thank you
Re:Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability
a week ago


Hi, Thank you very much for the feedback.

It is suggested to install the latest beta firmware here: Satellite Deco Units Work Well but Display Offline on the Deco APP



Could you please refer to this link to help me submit the Deco APP log:

How to submit Deco APP log

Are you able to reproduce this issue constantly?

Wait for your reply.


Re:Deco X50/X55 V1 1.5.5 Optimize The Overall App Experience / Network stability
a week ago


Hi David,


i've installed the beta version on my deco's x50. Due that there are issues with the presence indications of some clients in the app. Some aren't showing online even though the are connected. 

initially I thought that the beta solved this issue, it appears that this isn't the case . 

On one deco x50 I have all the network ports in use, accept the deco app shows only one online and connected. 

I hope this information helps. 
