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Forums/ WiFi
By jettamc22 Yesterday

EAP-Outdoor not restarted since thunderstorm

Hi, After a bad thunderstorm this last week, where there was a power outage to the house, eventually when electric back on everything started up again ok except the EAP225 didnt connect. Now it isn't
Forums/ Controllers
By masoko_internet Yesterday

omada controller OC200 went offline after finishing update and never turn online

hello i want to know how i can fix my controller after finishing update and wont turn online again and i dont know what to do am using chrombook laptop to access omada clouds via website
Forums/ Controllers
By TempDemp Yesterday

Reduce frequency of Alerts

This message appears every few seconds when there is a WAN failure : Can I reduce the frequency to say 10 minutes instead of every few seconds ? Appreciate your assistance.
Forums/ WiFi
By SuperFocus Saturday

EAP653 is not able to give an IP if the VLAN is configured on a WLAN - FOLLOW-UP

@nicolati Just wondering if there is any update on your thread regarding VLAN issues on your network? Have TP-Link fixed this bug, and if so, which device was the problem? Because your original thread
Forums/ Controllers
By Tecky Friday

Access WLAN to SMB share

I have the problem that I want to access an SMB share in VLAN 1 from a WLAN client in VLAN 50. I can ping the server from the client, but I can’t access the SMB share with Windows Explorer. When I con
Forums/ Controllers
By MDRAJU Friday

some users are sharing hotspot

We have organized a wi-fi network through Tp-Link (Omada Controller). Users connect to our network (via an external portal) and can use the Internet. But some users are sharing hotspot while connected