2022-01-03 13:47:06
Block specific range of WAN IPs to VPN Server
Hello all, Is possible to block/allow only range of external IPs from WAN to LAN on VPN Server? Or setup a GEOIp-Block service like to VPNServer?
I tried to perform a kind of IP block using IPGroups
2022-01-03 13:36:30
ER605 doesn't seem to activate virtual server
Good day! I have a problem with my new ER605. I've tried to configure a virtual server in an interal network, but everything I've done, nmap says port that I want to access is filtered. I only want to
2022-01-03 16:04:02
EAP225 speed test very bad
Hello everyone, I have an EAP225 outdoor but wifi connection can't go more than 0.30mb From the browser I cannot find a way to make a speed test from the EAP225, it can be very usefull to investigate
2022-01-03 16:05:10
Speed Test: wrong latency in "ISP load" panel
When I check latency in the graphics of the ISP load panel of the Omada Controller it is permanently between 120 to 250 msec. Doing a manual speed test (upper right corner "speed test" in this panel)
2022-01-03 16:21:40
Changing NAT rules disconnects all cleints
Changing a simple NAT rule (settings > Transmission > NAT) leads to all clients being disconnected from the internet. So all phone calls and video conferences are being interrupted. Will this be fixed
2022-01-03 06:30:33
VPN Pool Question
Hi TP-Link Team & partners, would like to enquire about a setup for VPN Site A = ER6120 - 10.10.10.x /24 Site B = R605 - 192.168.1.x /24 Site C = R605 - 192.168.2.x /24 Site D = R605 - 192.168.3.x /24