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Forums/ Controllers
By mwo 2021-06-03 09:22:01

Where to find L2+ functions in Omada controller

Hi. Here point 12 says, Layer3 features are available now in Omada SDN. Please tell me, where I can find them? I expected them to be under
Forums/ Controllers
By MrTheJim 2021-06-02 15:44:49

EAP 225 APs with OC200 Controller When Managed Wifi spped limited to 18Mbps

I had a standalone EAP 225 for a long time I have since expanded My Omada system include a 2nd EAP225 F/W 5.0.3 and a OC200 F/W 1.8 controller. When the APs are configured as Standalone a speed test s
Forums/ Routers
By iVaibhav 2021-06-02 16:23:50

Does Load Balancer Balanced Outbound Traffic Too ?

Hello everyone, I am using two Internet Connections 60 Mbps and 50 Mbps on ER605 The Download speed is coming as expected, but the Upload speed doesn't seem to be doubling. Is this Normal Behavior ?
Forums/ Routers
By LucianoR 2021-06-02 13:41:58

Firewall with IPv6 Pass-Through

Hello I was able to get valid IPv6 addresses distributed on my LAN by enabling IPv6 with the Pass-through config on both WAN and LAN on Omada Controller 4.3.5. Great! Having been waiting for that sinc
Forums/ WiFi
By Mitya 2021-06-02 08:40:35

Omada backup destination

Hello, Can I somehow save my logs and backup configuration, maybe even auto-backup, not to USB storage, but to FTP-server? The same question is for Software controller.
Forums/ Controllers
By PaulFromLTS 2021-06-02 15:27:35

Cannot create working Site-To-Site VPN Tunnel

I have Five ER7206 Routers I am configuring for a client. We are connecting 4 branch offices by VPN with very fast/high bandwidth connections at each. Each branch office will connect to 1 main ER7206.