Smart sensor delayed actions problem
When dealing with Automations, if the trigger is a motion sensor and the action is to turn on a light using the "on duration" function, for example if a motion detected in the hallway, the hallway light should turn on for 30 seconds. Sometimes the action is not taking place at all. Some other times, there is an extreme delay (30 sec till 2 minutes). It happens at random times during the day.
I'm not sure if this is an issue with the hub (H100) or the motion sensors. Sometimes they work without problems and the action is triggered instantly, other times it doesn't work or the action is delayed.
When the motion is triggered but the action is not talking place, I take a look at the tapo app, the motion is registered with a time stamp, but the action (turning on the light bulb for 30 sec) doesn't take place. Does that mean that the motion sensor did it's job just fine by reporting the trigger but the hub failed for some reason to turn on the light? Or could it be a bug in the automation script?
The sensors and the hub are very close to each other (2-4 meters).
Any suggestions would be great!