Tapo C310 frame rate fixed at 15fps
Hi guys.
I have a C310 up and running fine under Synology Surveillance Station onto a DS220j NAS. All is good but it won't respond to any changes of frame rate I request there. I found an old thread which says that the Tapo cameras do not offer any other frame rate than 15fps. That being said, why does the option to select 1/10/15fps come up in Surveillance Station? I have a second basic ONVIF camera which also shows up frame rate options but these are 1/2/3/ ... /14/15. It looks as though the options are tailored to the camera model.
Incidentally, I can't find my Firmware Version anywhere, wither in Surveillance Station or in the Tapo app! Where the Dickens is it reported? It is reported as being currently up to date but that is no answer to the query above.
EDIT: I've just answered my own question. I have managed to find it in the Tapo app, it is "1.3.5 Build 230426 Rel. 65257n(4555)"